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Hey! Thank you for submitting feedback. 1. Please check the search to see if your issue/feedback item already exists so you...
Me and my friend started at Uplink today. we had issues related to cannot add each other. we did copy the id which is the name...
- Open settings - Go to keybinds - Press and hold tab Version: v1.0_alpha OS: Windows 11
Description: After enabling the call timer in settings it does not stay enabled after you switch pages - Open settings - Go...
Description: In the save recovery phrase screen, if you select any of the text it becomes unreadable - Continue through the...
Description: When typing in the create password box, every character you type after 4 characters will deselect the password...
I get atleast 4 alerts when using virustotal scan. I chose to still use it but please email them and ask them to add this tool...
When I try to get my backup phrase, it doesn't give it to me and does nothing.
When putting on a profile picture or a banner it doesn't center the images to, well the center of the image. So, when you put...